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 I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤

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2 participants
Charlton Klein-Benedon
Charlton Klein-Benedon

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 06/10/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 11:24

quote me, quote me, quote me.

NAME(S) , FIRST NAME(s) : nom(s) et prénom(s) du personnage. ◗ NICKNAME(S) : surnom(s). ◗ AGE : âge du personnage. ◗ DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH : date et lieux de naissance. ◗ PLACE OF RESIDENCE : lieu de résidence. ◗ STUDIES OR JOB : métier ou études en cours. ◗ LOVE STATUS: situation amoureuse: célibataire, en couple, marié etc. ◗ GROUP : groupe.

QUESTION : soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon.◗ QUESTION : soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. ◗ QUESTION : soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. ◗ QUESTION : soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. ◗ QUESTION : soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. ◗ QUESTION : soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon. soon.
✤ tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies. tics, manies.

PRÉNOM, PSEUDO : answer. ◗ AGE : answer. ◗ SEXE : masculin/féminin. ◗ AVATAR CHOISI : answer. ◗ CREDITS : tumblr. ◗ COMMENT TROUVES-TU LE FORUM : avis. ◗ COMMENT ES-TU ARRIVÉ ICI : answer. ◗ UN PETIT MOT POUR LE PEUPLE : answer.
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Charlton Klein-Benedon
Charlton Klein-Benedon

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 06/10/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 11:24

CHAPTER ONE quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : déménagement dans une ville paumée et nouvelle famille pourri.

CHAPTER TWO quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : le demi frère insupportable, 0 intégration.

CHAPTER THREE quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : première approche avec une habitante, Birdy: échec.

CHAPTER FOUR quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : Birdy.
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Charlton Klein-Benedon
Charlton Klein-Benedon

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 06/10/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 11:24

CHAPTER FIVE quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : Amitié renforcé avec Birdy.

CHAPTER SIX quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : Birdy, sentiment?

CHAPTER SEVEN quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : aveux et refus.

CHAPTER EIGHT quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : avec le frangin.
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Charlton Klein-Benedon
Charlton Klein-Benedon

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 06/10/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 11:25

CHAPTER NINE quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : Les gens s'intéressent soudainement à lui (Juny.)

CHAPTER TEN quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : Juny.

CHAPTER ELEVEN How do you think I'm going to get along,without you, when you're gone you took me for everything that I had and kicked me out on my own, are you happy, are you satisfied how long can you stand the heat out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat.

mémo : Birdy la jalouse.

CHAPTER TWELVE quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes. quotes quotes quotes.

mémo : Juny.
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Birdy-Vera Bruckner

Birdy-Vera Bruckner

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 25/11/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 13:25

Oh tu me fais chavirer I love you
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Charlton Klein-Benedon
Charlton Klein-Benedon

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 06/10/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 13:28

Oh, je sais je sais mon petit ♥️ Mais attend de voir mes supers gifs et là tu tomberas à la renverse cherry
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Birdy-Vera Bruckner

Birdy-Vera Bruckner

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 25/11/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 13:31

Je n'ose même pas imaginer mon état quand tes gifs apparaitront Laughing I love you
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Charlton Klein-Benedon
Charlton Klein-Benedon

✤ DATE D'INSCRIPTION : 06/10/2011

I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ EmptyDim 27 Nov - 17:17

Tu vas sur-keaffer , c'est obliger Razz Après mon exposé je met mes gifs mon petit ourson ♥️
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I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤   I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤ Empty

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I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control. ✤
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On the road again :: ແ LET THE ANGELS COMMIT' ::  you're gonna go far, kids ❜ :: terminus,toutlemondedescend.-
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